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أصدقاء العربية - التمهيدي

One of the bestsellers
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Suitable for non-Arabic speakers
Suitable for 4-14 year olds
Comes in 6 levels
About Book

An educational series for teaching Arabic language in six consecutive levels. Each levels consists of a comprehensive range of teaching materials: the Student's Book, the Activity Book, and the Teacher's Book, in addition to supporting media: a CD, educational posters, and stories, etc. It took account of learners’ need to master the four basic skills of Arabic, namely: listening, speaking, reading and writing.

سلسلة تعليمية لتعليم اللغة العربية، تشمل ستة مستويات متتابعة. يتكون كل مستوى من ثلاث مواد تعليمية رئيسة هي: كتاب الطالب، وكتاب النشاط، وكتاب المعلم بالإضافة إلى وسائل تعليمية داعمة هي: قرص مدمج وبطاقات تعليمية، وبوسترات، وقصص، ... وقد روعي فيها حاجة المتعلم إلى إتقان المهارات الأساسية في تعلم اللغة العربية وهي: الاستماع، والمحادثة، والقراءة، والكتابة.

Student Book

It is directed to kindergarten children, and takes into account the child's need to master the basic skills of learning Arabic language. It is divided into 32 lessons, aimed at teaching children the Arabic letters; their sounds and shapes. in addition, it teaches children to form words and syllables. Each lesson begins with a picture scene to elicit language in children.

Activity Book

It offers a variety of distinctive and interesting exercises designed to consolidate what the pupils have learnt in the Student’s Book.

Teacher Book

It offers information, instructions and ways of teaching the material. There are also step-by-step suggestions on how to do the exercises to achieve the outcomes of the lesson.

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