أصدقاء العربية 1
An educational series for teaching Arabic language in six consecutive levels. Each levels consists of a comprehensive range of teaching materials: the Student's Book, the Activity Book, and the Teacher's Book, in addition to supporting media: a CD, educational posters, and stories, etc. It took account of learners’ need to master the four basic skills of Arabic, namely: listening, speaking, reading and writing.
سلسلة تعليمية لتعليم اللغة العربية، تشمل ستة مستويات متتابعة. يتكون كل مستوى من ثلاث مواد تعليمية رئيسة هي: كتاب الطالب، وكتاب النشاط، وكتاب المعلم بالإضافة إلى وسائل تعليمية داعمة هي: قرص مدمج وبطاقات تعليمية، وبوسترات، وقصص، ... وقد روعي فيها حاجة المتعلم إلى إتقان المهارات الأساسية في تعلم اللغة العربية وهي: الاستماع، والمحادثة، والقراءة، والكتابة.
The series comes in 6 consecutive levels:

Its focus is to help learners understand what they listen to, pronounce letters and words correctly, read texts fully supported with diacritics (Tashkeel), follow proper writing rules, and use linguistic structures in communication.
The book consists of eight units each has been divided into two lessons. The units have been conveniently distributed in the two academic semesters. The book aims to improve children’s observation and make them read letters, words and sentences, and combine them together.
The units were graded in the educational plan from the private environment at home to the general environment in the same country and in the countries of the world, as follows: at home, at school, relatives, children’s playground, city market, personal hygiene, happy Eid, my country.
The Activity Book contains various activities that reinforce what the children have learned in the Student’s Book. The focus of the book is primarily on letters, syllables, words and sentences where the activities vary to include different patterns of reading and writing to enable children to speak and spell correctly.

It offers information, instructions and ways of teaching the material. There are also step-by-step suggestions on how to do the exercises to achieve the outcomes of the lesson.