أصدقاء العربية - المستوى الرابع
An educational series for teaching Arabic language in six consecutive levels. Each levels consists of a comprehensive range of teaching materials: the Student's Book, the Activity Book, and the Teacher's Book, in addition to supporting media: a CD, educational posters, and stories, etc. It took account of learners’ need to master the four basic skills of Arabic, namely: listening, speaking, reading and writing.
سلسلة تعليمية لتعليم اللغة العربية، تشمل ستة مستويات متتابعة. يتكون كل مستوى من ثلاث مواد تعليمية رئيسة هي: كتاب الطالب، وكتاب النشاط، وكتاب المعلم بالإضافة إلى وسائل تعليمية داعمة هي: قرص مدمج وبطاقات تعليمية، وبوسترات، وقصص، ... وقد روعي فيها حاجة المتعلم إلى إتقان المهارات الأساسية في تعلم اللغة العربية وهي: الاستماع، والمحادثة، والقراءة، والكتابة.
The series comes in 6 consecutive levels:

The book aims at helping learners identify main points of audio contents, produce language correctly and read short stories. It also improves learners’ ability to properly follow grammar rules and use language patterns.
It also aims at teaching verb tenses in Arabic (Past, Present and imperative), prepositions, nominal sentences, punctuation marks, singular, dual and plural nouns, different kinds of pronouns, interrogative and exclamatory methods, number-gender agreement, etc.
Each lesson in the book starts with a dialogue to improve learners’ reading, comprehensions and conversation skills with easy vocabulary coupled with impressive illustrations related to daily life, such as: an enjoying trip, the Dead Sea, work is life, at the restaurant, the Eskimos, etc.
The book includes activities that cover the outcomes of the lessons, especially those that improve the skills of reading, observation, and making links and conclusions. They vary to include different methods of reading and writing, and learning of basic skills to enable learners to correctly read and spell the vocabulary presented by the lesson.
It offers a variety of distinctive and interesting exercises designed to consolidate what the pupils have learnt in the Student’s Book.

It offers information, instructions and ways of teaching the material. There are also step-by-step suggestions on how to do the exercises to achieve the outcomes of the lesson.