العب وتعلم مع الحروف
An educational series designed to teach the alphabet through play and varying activities in a simple way to develop thinking and teach vowel marks and long syllables as an introduction to gradually improve reading and writing skills connecting previous experiences to new ones.
يعتمد منهاج العب وتعلم مع الحروف على تعليم الأطفال حروف اللغة العربية عن طريق الألعاب والأنشطة بأسلوب مبسط ينمي التفكير ويعلم الحروف والمقاطع والحركات والقراءة والكتابة بتدرج هرمي يربط الخبرات السابقة باللاحقة.
It is based on the two basic skills of breaking up words into different syllables and joining different letters to form syllables. The book starts at the introduction of the three vowel sounds (aa, oo, ee) and aims at enabling children to recognize the phonetic sound an alphabetic letter makes through a picture scene to elicit language that include that letter covering its different shapes.
It is based on the two basic skills of breaking up words into different syllables and joining different letters to form syllables. The book starts at the introduction of the three vowel sounds (aa, oo, ee) and aims at enabling children to recognize the phonetic sound an alphabetic letter makes through a picture scene to elicit language that include that letter covering its different shapes.